
Changelogs Explained1.21.1



Fabric version: Fabric-0.16.0
Update overview:
  - Readded 'Equipment Compare', 'Legendary Tooltips', 'Raised' & 'Screenshot to Clipboard'.
  - Updated mods & resource packs.

Mods readded:
  + Equipment Compare
  + Iceberg
  + Legendary Tooltips
  + Prism
  + Raised
  + Screenshot to Clipboard

Mods removed:
  - Advancement Plaques [Preciously disabled]

Mods updated:
  > AppleSkin
  > Chat Heads
  > Collective
  > Controlling
  > Equipment Compare
  > Fabric API
  > Fabric Language Kotlin
  > Falling Leaves
  > Forge Config API Port
  > Iceberg
  > Inventory Profiles Next
  > Legendary Tooltips
  > libIPN
  > Particle Core
  > Polytone
  > Raised
  > Roughly Enough Professions
  > Remove Reloading Screen
  > Screenshot to Clipboard
  > Searchables
  > ThreadTweak
  > True Darkness Refabricated
  > ViaFabric

Resource Packs updated:
  > Chat Reporting Helper
  > Translations for Sodium

Config changes:
  = Changed auto_refill_enable_per_slot_config to "false" by default: [Inventory Profiles Next]



Fabric version: Fabric-0.16.0
Update overview:
  - Readded 'Xaero's Minimap Fair-Play Edition'.
  - Updated mods & resource packs.

Mods readded:
  + Xaero's Minimap Fair-Play Edition

Mods updated:
  > Better Statistics Screen
  > Branded Logs
  > Cloth Config API
  > Collective
  > Controlling
  > CraterLib
  > Cubes Without Borders
  > Dynamic FPS
  > e4mc
  > Equipment Compare
  > Fabric API
  > Forge Config API Port
  > ModernFix
  > More Culling
  > Persistent Inventory Search
  > Polytone
  > Reese's Sodium Options
  > Roughly Enough Items
  > Remove Reloading Screen
  > Shulker Box Tooltip
  > TCDCommons API
  > True Darkness Refabricated
  > ViaFabric
  > Xaero's Minimap Fair-Play

Resource Packs updated:
  > Translations for Sodium



Fabric version: Fabric-0.16.0
Update overview:
  - Updated Fabric loader, mods & resource packs.

Mods updated:
  > Architectury API
  > Balm
  > Better Statistics Screen
  > Cherished Worlds
  > CraterLib
  > Falling Leaves
  > Forge Config API Port
  > ModernFix
  > Simple Discord RPC
  > Simple Voice Chat
  > TCDCommons API
  > True Darkness Refabricated

Resource Packs updated:
  > Translations for Sodium



Fabric version: Fabric-0.15.11
Update overview:
  - Readded 'Better Recipe Book' mod.
  - Updated mods to their latest version.

Mods readded:
  + Better Recipe Book

Mods updated:
  > Better Recipe Book
  > Chat Heads
  > Fabric API
  > Inventory Profiles Next
  > libIPN
  > ModernFix
  > Shulker Box Tooltip
  > StackDeobfuscator



Fabric version: Fabric-0.15.11
Update overview:
  - Readded 'ItemSwapper' mod.
  - Changed world map to have cave mode be disallowed by default.
  - Updated mods, resource & shader packs to their latest version.

Mods readded:
  + ItemSwapper

Mods updated:
  > Better Statistics Screen
  > ItemSwapper

Resource Packs updated:
  > Translations for Sodium

Shader Packs updated:
  > Complementary Shaders - Reimagined
  > Complementary Shaders - Unbound

Config changes:
  = Changed caveMapsAllowed to "false" by default: [Xaero's World Map]



Fabric version: Fabric-0.15.11
Update overview:
  - First proper 1.21 release version. 
  - Added 'Clickthrough 2.0', 'Replanter Plus', 'RyoamicLights' & 'FabricSkyBoxes Interop' mods.
  - Added 'Chat Reporting Helper' & 'Translations for Sodium' resource packs.
  - Readded 'Custom Window Title', 'Name Pain', 'Nvidium', 'Paginated Advancements', 'Resource Pack Overrides', 'True Darkness Refabricated' & 'Wavey Capes'.
  - Removed 'BadOptimizations' mod.
  - Replaced Discord RPC logo with the new 1.21 variant.
  - Updated mods & resource packs to their latest version.

Mods added:
  + Clickthrough 2.0
  + Replanter Plus
  + RyoamicLights
  + ObsidianUI [Dependency of 'RyoamicLights']
  + FabricSkyBoxes Interop

Resource Packs added:
  + Chat Reporting Helper
  + Translations for Sodium

Mods readded:
  + Custom Window Title
  + Name Pain
  + Nvidium
  + Paginated Advancements
  + Resource Pack Overrides
  + Suggestion Tweaker
  + True Darkness Refabricated
  + Wavey Capes

Mods removed:
  - BadOptimizations
  - Replanter [Previously disabled]
  - LambDynamicLights [Previously disabled]
  - ClickThrough [Previously disabled]

Mods updated: |
  > Architectury API
  > Balm
  > Better Statistics Screen
  > Bobby
  > Chat Heads
  > Collective
  > Cubes Without Borders
  > Custom Window Title
  > Dynamic FPS
  > Eating Animation
  > Entity Model Features
  > Entity Texture Features
  > Fabric API
  > Forge Config API Port
  > Indium
  > Inventory Profiles Next
  > Iris Shaders
  > libIPN
  > ModernFix
  > Noisium
  > Numeral Ping
  > Nvidium
  > Polytone
  > Resource Pack Overrides
  > Remove Reloading Screen
  > Shulker Box Tooltip
  > Simple Voice Chat
  > Sodium
  > TCDCommons API
  > ViaFabric
  > Wavey Capes

Resource Packs updated: |
  > Fresh Animations

Config changes: |
  = Changed largeImageKey to use new 1.21 logo: [Simple Discord RPC]
  = Changed autoSwitch to "false": [Replanter Plus]
  = Changed requireSeedHeld to "true": [Replanter Plus]
  = Changed mode to be "off" by default [RyoamicLights]
  = Force enabled 'Chat Reporting Helper' & 'Translations for Sodium' resource packs: [Resource Pack Overrides]



This is a pre-release. Here be dragons!

Fabric version: Fabric-0.15.11
Update overview:
  - Added 1.21 themed panorama.
  - Readded Cubes Without Borders, Krypton & Shulker Box Tooltip.
  - Updated mods & resource packs.

Mods readded:
  + Cubes Without Borders
  + Krypton
  + Shulker Box Tooltip

Mods updated:
  > Balm
  > Breakneck Menu
  > Collective
  > CraterLib
  > Cubes Without Borders
  > Dynamic FPS
  > Entity Texture Features
  > Krypton
  > Shulker Box Tooltip
  > Simple Discord RPC



This is a pre-release. Here be dragons!

Fabric version: Fabric-0.15.11
Update overview:
  - Readded Particle Core, Noisium & Polytone.
  - Removed 'Don't Clear Chat History'.
  - Updated mods.

Mods readded:
  + Fzzy Config
  + Noisium
  + Particle Core
  + Polytone

Mods removed:
  - Don't Clear Chat History

Mods updated:
  > Better Statistics Screen
  > Collective
  > Fzzy Config
  > Mod Menu
  > Noisium
  > Particle Core
  > Polytone
  > TCDCommons API



This is a pre-release. Here be dragons!

Fabric version: Fabric-0.15.11
Update overview:
~ Switched to use Modrinth metadata as the basis of the pack behind the scenes.
~ Fixed crash when opening the multiplayer menu.
~ Increased CPU priority of the games main thread.
~ Re-enabled mods that have been updated to 1.21.

Mods re-enabled: 
+ Better Third Person
+ Bobby
+ Cherished Worlds
+ Controlling
+ Debugify
+ Eating Animation
+ Model Gap Fix
+ Mouse Tweaks
+ No Chat Reports
+ Xaero's World Map
+ Zoomify

Metadata changes:
= ALL MODS [CF --> MR]

Mods removed: 
- Chat Up! [Previously disabled]

Resource Packs removed:
- Tricky Trials Panorama with Shaders

Mods updated:
> Balm
> Better Third Person
> Bobby
> Cherished Worlds
> Controlling
> Debugify
> Don't Clear Chat History
> Eating Animation
> Lithium
> Mod Menu
> Model Gap Fix
> ModernFix
> Mouse Tweaks
> No Chat Reports
> Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames
> Server Country Flags [CF], [Fixes crashing issue]
> Xaero's World Map
> Zoomify

Config changes:
= Changed threadPriority of game from 5 to 8: [ThreadTweaks]

⚠️ 4.0.0_pre2


Critical issue: Opening the multiplayer menu causes the game to crash.

This is a pre-release. Here be dragons!

Fabric version: Fabric-0.15.11
Update overview:
~ Added 'ThreadTweak' mod.
~ Added 'Tricky Trials Panorama with Shaders' resource pack. [CF edition only]
~ Updated mods to their latest version.
~ Re-enabled mods that have been updated to 1.21.

Mods added:
+ ThreadTweak

Resource Packs added:
+ Tricky Trials Panorama with Shaders [CF edition only]

Mods re-enabled: 
+ Ambient Environment
+ AppleSkin
+ Capes
+ FerriteCore
+ Inventory Profiles Next
+ libIPN
+ Lithium
+ Not Enough Animations
+ OptiGUI
+ Roughly Enough Items
+ Roughly Enough Professions
+ Searchables
+ Server Country Flags
+ Skin Layers 3D
+ Status Effect Bars
+ ViaFabric

Metadata changes:
= Indium [Bundled --> CF]

Mods updated:
> Ambient Environment
> AppleSkin
> BadOptimizations
> Balm
> Better Statistics Screen
> Capes
> FerriteCore
> Indium
> Inventory Profiles Next
> libIPN
> Lithium
> Mod Menu
> Not Enough Animations
> OptiGUI
> Roughly Enough Items
> Roughly Enough Professions
> Searchables
> Server Country Flags
> Skin Layers 3D
> Status Effect Bars
> ViaFabric

Resource Packs updated: 
> Breakneck Lang

Config changes:
= Added "threadtweak" to dependency override list: [Fabric Loader]



This is a pre-release. Here be dragons!

Changes are in comparison to version 1.20.6-3.6.3.

Fabric version: Fabric-0.15.11
Update overview:
~ Initial migration to Minecraft 1.21.
~ Updated mods to their latest version.
~ Disabled mods that has not yet been updated.

Mods added:
+ TCDCommons API [New dependency of 'Better Statistics Screen']

Mods re-enabled: 
+ CraterLib
+ Simple Discord RPC

Metadata changes:
= Indium [CF --> Bundled]

Mods disabled: 
- Advancement Plaques
- Ambient Environment
- AppleSkin
- Better Taskbar
- Bobby
- Capes
- Cherished Worlds
- Clear Despawn
- ClickThrough
- Controlling
- Cubes Without Borders
- Custom Window Title
- Dark Loading Screen
- Debugify
- Eating Animation
- Equipment Compare
- FastQuit
- FerriteCore
- Fzzy Config
- Iceberg
- ItemSwapper
- Krypton
- Legendary Tooltips
- Lithium
- MixinTrace
- Model Gap Fix
- More Culling
- Mouse Tweaks
- Name Pain
- No Chat Reports
- Noisium
- Not Enough Animations
- Numeral Ping
- Nvidium
- OptiGUI
- Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames
- Particle Core
- Polytone
- Prism
- Replanter
- Roughly Enough Items
- Roughly Enough Professions
- Screenshot to Clipboard
- Searchables
- Server Country Flags
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Simple Discord Rich Presence
- Skin Layers 3D
- Status Effect Bars
- Suggestion Tweaker
- True Darkness Fork
- ViaFabric
- Wavey Capes
- Xaero's World Map
- Zoomify

Mods updated:
> Animatica
> Architectury API
> BadOptimizations
> Balm
> Better Statistics Screen
> Branded Logs
> Breakneck Menu
> Chat Heads
> CleanView
> Client Tweaks
> Cloth Config API
> Collective
> Continuity
> CraterLib
> Detail Armor Bar
> Dynamic FPS
> Enhanced Block Entities
> Entity Model Features
> Entity Texture Features
> Fabric API
> FabricSkyboxes
> Falling Leaves
> Forge Config API Port
> ImmediatelyFast
> Iris Shaders
> Language Reload
> Map Tooltip
> ModernFix
> Mod Menu
> Persistent Inventory Search
> Resourcify
> Remove Reloading Screen
> Simple Discord RPC
> Simple Voice Chat
> Sodium Extra
> Sodium
> YetAnotherConfigLib

Last updated